Friday, July 26, 2013

A story I HATE to tell

Out of my whole life, there is one story, one experience that makes me literally sick to my stomach.  Even looking back at pictures of Aili, with her chest open & being able to see her heart beating, doesn't make me cringe like this story does.

You see there are SO many stories going around right now about children & babies accidentally being left in cars.  The end result is never good and it kills me to even think about it.  There is a PSA video right now, that I refuse to watch.  The thought of what happens to the poor baby left in the car makes my stomach turn, but you know what else drives me insane?!  The response from MOST people.  Sure there are plenty of people in my newsfeed sharing the video, just to get the word out, but there are many others with judgmental words.  Between my own newsfeed & the comments left on articles & videos, I want to hide in a hole in the ground & cry.

"How could any good parent do that?!"

"They don't deserve kids!"

So many comments just like those.

Well you see, two years ago, I was that parent for a brief two seconds.  Me!  It's unbelievable. I mean, no I'm no perfect parent, but I'm told by many I'm a good mom.  There are truthfully few days where I feel like a good mom, but others say it often.

So here I was, two years ago, on July 17th, 2011.  I had a newborn baby (5-6 weeks old).  She was exclusively breastfed.  I also had a 10 year old, a 4 year old & a 2.5 year old.  My 2.5 year old, Aili, that I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, was set to have her 3rd open heart surgery the next day.  I was worried about the next day, about my daughter's surgery, about leaving my newborn & hoping she would take a bottle from my mom.  There were SO many things going through my head.  My Mom & I went to run a last minute errand.  We were talking about the next day, what it would entail, etc.  I parked the car, we both got out.  I LOCKED the van & took two steps.  

My Mom then said, "What about the baby?"

Instantly I burst into tears!  I knew exactly what could have happened.  My Mom reassured me that once I got to the door of the store, I would have realized.  It was the worst moment of my life.  It makes me physically ill.

So for those of you judging others, it can happen to anyone.  It's an accident.

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