Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Toys & the playroom

Oh, our playroom! Boy has it always been a disaster! No matter how many times I went through it, organized, got rid of toys, etc. it would still turn into a toddler tornado zone. We finally found a solution! I wanted to go o Ikea & get something to store the toys in. We walked around, picked out what we wanted & headed to the check out. But wait!! There's the clearance/As-is section! We mosey on over and low & behold, we find a bunch of sets similar to one we picked! They are from the same collection, just a different one. I had picked out one tall case, but here are FOUR bench sized cases. They were screwed together in a square shape with a train/car rug screwed to the top. My husband could easily see past this HUGE monstrosity that would have engulfed our playroom. "We can just unscrew it!" Genius! I married a genius! So we got 4 of them & a rug for only a little more than we planned to spend originally.

We get home & put 2 in the playroom & 2 upstairs in kids' bedrooms. I had 6 bins to organize & label for the playroom. We came up with - Barbies, My Little Ponies, Lalaloopsies, Baby's toys, Misc. (no label yet, currently has balls & plastic alphabet Popsicles), & babies/dolls. We also have a big toy box with Legos in it & a few toys on top of the benches. I labeled each bin with my label maker (Christmas gift last year from the husband)

It's been a few weeks & the room has stayed clean. It's easy enough for the kids to clean up & if I'm left to pick up it only takes a few minutes!


  1. It looks great! What an inspiration!

  2. Thanks :)!!! It makes the whole house seem so much nicer, since this is the first room when you walk in the door!
